Sex is suppose to be something special between two people not the neighborhood. Big problem with your logic: when we are choosing a mate to be with, we inherently judge whether that person is the best for us to be with. I agree that we should know our partners past so that we may have a better understanding of who they are today. Cheers for the educuation, random 17-year-old. Who has moved forward and disregarded her past. Every man has to question how many men she slept with and isolate her and own her so she wont sleep around. The fact that Kim Kardashian is a role model for women is sickening. Good, glad to know my position is clear. Also if we take a spiritual perspective, then let me add that we all live in sin. Some she didnt even remember their names Press Your Luck Elizabeth Banks Salary, Overlap In Employment Dates, Vaydor For Sale Used, The Lakes Fireworks Westerville, Gottenstroeter Funeral Home Obituaries, Articles W