It is in the blog. Mind: Wrongful convicted. They brought cakes and cookies and became friends so they were not going to fight over this. Sometimes it takes until late in life for connections to be made again. It seems they all went the easy way. Hed left his first wife to co-habitate with (and later marry) Charlene. Its more boring to tell the truth and the readers might not have flocked to read a fair story without no real heroes and villains. A. No way. That she had no blood or gun powder anywhere when she allegedly shot at close range? I found your blog to be very well written, informative and interesting. It does seem time has done worse to her. He freely admitted HE decided to ask for a divorce on his birthday without consulting Diane, who was out of town In my opinion, the investigation was too hasty and only focused on Diane. It wasnt until Prosecutor Hugi said Dr. Jamison had labeled Diane a deviant sociopath that Mr. In fact, if appropriate family is found, termination is not required. The old toilet block which could be replaced by a cafe (Image: Adam Postans) A new caf planned for the Downs in Bristol would likely be blocked by a 160-year-old Victorian law . There is also a recording where she says that she had no idea who shot them. The judge instructed them to continue on to force a verdict. Diane was known for her love of all animals whichshe treated with great care, and for her independent and wild streak. I also wish that Dianes children have a great life. Its too late for me to call myself a murderer (when I am not) just to purchase my freedom. A slightly humorous observation is that you said, and others have, that James Haynes physically resembled the sketch.. Diane doesnt believe Rebecca is her daughter, rather a media puppet ran by Rule. Anyway, it takes a good scrubbing with soap and water to get rid of gun powder residues and doing so with only one arm would be quite difficult. Diane asked for proof that her ex husband was behind the shooting. Diane Downs' ex husband, Steve Downs, lost a lot in May 1983 when his ex wife shot their three children, following their divorce in 1980. I have watched her parole hearing. Diane nowhad the title ofdangerous offender. It became more about despising Diane Downs than investigating fairly. And she would have been under supervision. Even more now with hindsight because of the gun and the fact that her daughter kind of recanted by demonstrating that if pushed, she will say what is expected of her. This unexpected proposal took Diane by surprise at a large family gathering. She attacked her husband and ripped his neck open in a jealous rage (Appendix 81, page 1520), tearing from his neck the gold chain he still wore from his first marriage (a gift from his first wife). She says she was outside the car n watched the man shoot her children n then the only adult n person who could tell police about him only gets a shot in the arm n takes time to bandage her arm. I feel compelled to comment on this blog, because having recently read Ann Rules book, I feel exactly as you did. It appeared rigged and the fact that Ann Rule sat in the courtroom ready to produce a Masterpiece of Guilt could only help the prosecution. Conflicting reports say Downs also acted as a surrogate during her fourth pregnancy, giving birth to a daughter after her trial in 1984. Downs wanted to get rid of the kids because her new boyfriend didn't want . The inconsistencies and obvious lack of evidence in this case should have called for a wider investigation instead of solely focusing on their prime suspect. No. A long long time ago. What is known for a fact, is, Prosecutor Fred Hugi took physical custody of Christie and Danny shortly after Christies confessions to her school mates, and he officially adopted them in the summer of 1986. Her husband turned out to be a player and a very irresponsible guy who did not really love her. Clickhere to read about faulty ballistics.. Fred Hugi was pretty upset when Ann Rule went Hollywood with his case. I am a true crime junkie. What about the judge stopping a defendant from getting a new attorney? This seems very punitive to have a law like this be retroactive. I would like to see her released because I do not believe in life without parole for any inmate with no priors who had a good conduct while incarcerated. She states, I did not shoot my children and I cant say I did. The next day, on June 16, 1983, CSD terminated Dianes visitations with her children altogether. Page 10 of Case History. I remember when Diane shot her kids and there are some facts Id like to correct from your blog. Their marriage was described as tumultuous, with Downs allegedly disappearing for long periods of time with her children. I find it interesting for you to observe this because it should be more scientific and empirical today than it was in the 80s, but is it really? In Oregon, in 1983, she shot her 3 children, 1 daughter died. It is not a hatefest and I do not wish death or life without parole on anyone. They checked her nails to see if she could have buried the gun and they were clean. Mr. They rarely are, especially in the US. Nothing in this blog claims Diane is innocent. Fred Hugi is a man of the highest integrity and I hope that Dianes surviving two children finally found the love and stability they had been denied by their natural mother. She did not fit in and was now anxious to assert her independence and live her own life. It means you dont orphan the kids. Also, the title of the website clearly demonstrates an inherit bias. Yep, Downs who was found guilty in 1984, escaped successfully from the Oregon Womens Correctional Center in 1987 and was transferred to Jersey afterwards. Some of your facts arent facts at all. Basically, I dont believe the site owner has produced enough proof of anything. I have simply bothered researching the evidence and in some instances, the lack of it. She signed an affidavit to that effect and wanted the jury informed of it but it was never done. A very reasonable request that was rejected. #corrupt. Her children deserved the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I am not from USA, never have been there, but my impression is that in USA media are far more powerful than the justice system and rational thinking is crushed by easy emotional moods, stereotypes and a hunger for violence coated in a pompous moral attitude. Something that would never stand in court now. I dont know that it could get worse than writing an asinine comment on a restorative justice website that states that only respectful and constructive comments will be posted. The people who implemented lockdowns would never be anywhere near public policy again. Everything I outlined should be public knowledge. Right after the shooting, little Danny would ask the nurses, Why did the mean man shoot me? and it would be written down in the daily notes. She was interrogated without a representative from the defense and was not taped for the most part. statement regarding the effects of the childrens medications while in hospital should acknowledge where the blogger obtained information about the side effects.). I worked for county child welfare services in Colorado for a decade. Do you remember it would have been around say November 19th of 82 that you would have left Charlene at one time? Surprisingly, Fred Hugi actually looks quite different. Bear in mind, that arm consisted of two SHARP bones, cutting at nerves and muscle (1 of bone had been blown out of the arm when the bullet shattered it, leaving three jagged holes in the flesh, out of which bulged torn muscle, and two wedge shaped bones facing each other like dueling swords). At first I thought she did it, now I made further research and I dont know what to think. You mention her youngest daughter, and how Ann made sure she only heard negative information about Diane.. She was not in the car when her children were shot. After all, Cheryl Downs is basically serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole for her mothers crime. It always feels like punishment at all costs. The absence of the gun or gun powder residues on Diane is fact. Contemporary family finding principles argue that a child is best nurtured by parents, then immediate family members, extended family members, spiritual family (Godparents), close friends, etc. Seems to me that if that part of the story were true, and she really wanted to find her childrens shooter, she would have provided that information. When they recaptured her, she was very docile. On June 2nd, 1983, Juvenile Court Judge Gregory Foote held a hearing to take Christie and Danny away from ALL blood family (thus isolating them). It became judicial kidnapping to obtain a coerced confession: inflammatory Plus, you do not let a newly appointed judge to criminal cases, preside over a high profile murder case when he has no experience whatsoever and has already prejudged the defendant dangerous to her children. The GSR? I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. As you said, the system has to work for everyone and you cant change the rules because a case is high profile without muddying the waters. Would you seriously be confident enough to present your findings you mention in your article to Diane Downs children? The fact that she and her brother Danny were eventually adopted by Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs is the most blatant case of conflict of interest I have ever heard of. I think it posible she brought the kids there to be shot by someone else. Instead of blaming societal problems and working at finding solutions, prison always seem to be their option. I am not saying she is innocent. I dont care what Diane Downs says at the parole board hearing, except if she is innocent or guilty. Whats wrong with the system is whats wrong with us. It deserved as much attention as a Unicorn, a song or all the other hearsay floating around because at least, they came from real people signing official documents. Where is the blood spatter on Diane? Diane Downs and Alice Crummins were considered sluts and cold-blooded women and were judged on their unusual character. And she clearly remembered the April 1983, rape that Mr. Downs would later refer to as love making. The goal is always to keep family ties intact. And to try not to bash Dianes Downs character and stick to evidence instead. The notes taken daily by the nurses became a point of contention at trial. I must humbly admit that I had not questioned the facts of the case before readily accepting this image of Diane as a cold blooded killer. Reduces conflict because communication is limited. Or be mentally ill. I do not believe that this type of abuse would occur today. But there is forensic evidence pointing to Diane Downs. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information Also, aside from her original mental state, which may or may not excuse her aloofness (doesnt prove shes a killer by the way! But there were discrepancies; the tool marks did not matchand the detective lied on the stand about it. I appreciate this whole blog just want to give you a heads up. They checked her shoes and they were clean. In the end, it is scary how media becomes some kind of Roman circus where people is thrown in order to become a source of business. But the Parole Board refused to hear her. Considering the lack of evidence, it seems that she was condemned mostly because of herinappropriatestatements and behavior. I was raised by an evil narcissist and have not only seen this kind of behavior before, but I have seen the face of the devil and it is a look of pure evil that gives me the creeps. In my blog, I was referring to the case of Liysa Northon whose suit was dismissed, but when Ann Rule tried to sue the Seattle Magazine, its editor and Northons husband for their article on her shoddy work, she lost and had to pay restitution. She waseighteen and soon realized that she had jumped from the fire into the frying pan. He hired Jim Jagger on the 1st of June 1983, 11 days after the shooting. I dont disagree, I just think it is another example of flaws in our justice system. Only the people who present ongoing threats to the safety of the public in general are the ones this sentence is reserved for. It could be argued that he developed a relationship with the children and genuinely wanted them to join his family. Every time, she said she did not know, they told her to think again and made suggestions. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I was being sarcastic. The most frequent remarks I hear about the case when confronted by the state misconduct and the lack of evidence are gut feelings I dont buy it Shes guilty She did it I know she did it Her story makes no sense Shes evil Shes crazy. It had to be her.. Instead of talking about her being locked up for so long, answer some very legitimate questions regarding this case. It was never a slam dunk. They should have had ongoing contact and been placed with family as soon as they were out of the hospital and they never should have been interviewed without their own attorney (Guardian ad Litem) present. Doing it without witnesses when she was so sick is underhanded. I would like to raise the numerous issues with this blog. They sure forgot to tell us about her pulse racing during these sessions. Im sure nothing I write will change that. Youre right to say that a GSR is not always foolproof and between 10-20% of suicide GSR kits test negative for GSR. I talked about her still being locked up, all these years later, because I really want to know is it because we believe she will commit more crimes or is it because we need more revenge? I have no dog in this race. They were in a difficult situation becausewithout evidence, they could notcharge her for the crime. They came up with an explanation as to why this was the wrong gun but the jig was up. I bet the records are and always have been sealed regarding this aspect of the case. What about the fact that they never found the gun? And by the way, I wrote the blogs about Rule way before she passed. 2) You mention her youngest daughter, and how Ann made sure she only heard negative information about Diane. To have separated Christie from her brother and the rest of the family to be able to get her mom was unconscionable. They went through the process which demonstrates a certain level of commitment in itself. I do have to take issue with this article about Diane Downs. Lise,,,,, yes you did. This whole tale is just unbelievable. By the way, that interview with Christie by a biased advocate named Angel borders on abusive. When I hear some people say that they would have liked to smack that smirk off Dianes face when she interacted with the cops or the media, I sayreadthis to understand accounts of people laughing at the wrong time and how it is related to their personality disorder. They are the ones who supposedly (according to Diane) screwed her up so badly. We make them president. Maybe someone needs to read Part two in Dr. Billings in-depth review of the Diane Downs Murder Case in Oregon. What was the justification? Wasnt he the stranger? I see that Downs had a parole hearing in late 2020 but I cant see the outcome. You dont get any kind of advancement or rehabilitation in prison. If Hugi got attached to the children, why did he wait 2 years when little Christie was starting to say she had no clue who shot them? No. It should be removed from the blog. Comments about the title of the website, the blogger, the bias, details like the word bipolar and when it was used when cyclothymic disorder was diagnosed by the person who treated the subject and there is an affidavit posted. There are no facts? You seem to believe everyone is innocent. 3 yr. ago. It would not benefit you, my children, or society for me to perpetuate that lie. Hey Jace, I was not going to post your insulting comments but I decided to let the last sentence fly so that I could answer it. She was still trying to extricate herself from a bad relationship with Steve Downs and was in no hurry to repeat the mistake. This was all logged in Christies hospital reports and is found in the Appendix of the petition filed in Federal Court in 1996 in the section Hospital Reports. Foote ruled in favor of the prosecution and against the defenseon most of the admissible evidence questions including all the nurses notes about Danny talking about a man shooting him but admitted Christies reports about her mother shooting her. No other shooter involved in her case. Was that Annes fault as well? Rule even talked about writing a book about her but it never materialized. Jump through the States hoops, or find a noose around your neck. Diane and her family fought for them but were blocked from day one. Or can have an accomplice. And if she did it, she has served her time without displaying any violent tendencies whatsoever. She knew that Knickerbocker hated trouble of any kind, and thathe would have never come back to her after an ugly shooting where she had been wounded and her kids damaged. I cannot be more transparent than that and integrity was one of the missing pieces of the entire case. The person who shot the kids was leaning inside the car because they were shot at close range. Dianes dad died a year or two ago. This video has Dianes attorney, Jim Jagger, at 1 minutes and 20 seconds that might have some good shots. Im sorry but your article is tosh. Like I said, the 2 years make it a bit more of a gray area. The fruit of this abduction was the May 23, 1983, videotape re-enactment staged by Detective Tracy in which Diane is clearly hysterical. By the way, Dianes parents mourn the loss of their grandchildren to this day. So she could not have shot her kids at the distance determined by the state unless she changed her clothing and it did not come up at trial. So how she behaved at the time, should not have been a factor influencing the authorities. I personally disagree with that practice but it is common. Im not arguing the facts of the trial, and Im not about to. It seems that everyone commenting just knows shes guilty, like you say. She has been denied parole 2x and is up again in 2020. The ballistics, gun, speed at which she drove the car, her demeanor, etc. I am also engaged in other wrongful convictions that have taken place within the US. So there was a transfer, but nothing else was found. The previous video you sent me shows a Jagger pretty animated and involved in the defense of his client. Melvin Belli How things could have been different. I am so tired of the victims being forgotten. Of course, her mental health has deteriorated. At least two of those school mates reported Christies tortured confession to their mother Susan, I dont know if there ever was a lawsuit against Ann Rule from the Fredericksons family. High profile cases usually do not get the same treatment as regular folks. And they kept at her and made suggestions when she would not implicate her mom. When you hear her in interviews she sounds more concerned with herself than her kids. The harm done to families by unscrupulous district attorneys who bully children into falsely testifying against their parents has been recorded in a documentary called Witch Hunt by Sean Penn about Kern County (CA) District Attorney Ed Jagels. It no longer matters as far as the verdict, she was found guilty, but why no parole? Aint no one gonna tarnish my guys lol. But in this case, she had no blood on her body or her clothing. It was faulty. I cant believe that it was allowed to happen, actually. I went on ebay and ordered multiple stuff from the 80s, news footage, just to hear what she sounded like, because of all the talk in the book about her demeanor. So Mark, where are you from? In 1991, David Brewer, a juror who deliberated Dianes fate in her 1984 trial, came forward to say he and another juror had decided to acquit Downs by the close of the States presentation. Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Today on General Hospital, Obrecht is furious with both Liz and Scott, Finn offers to stand by Liz, and Sonny and Dex bond over a meal. The whole family were co-conspirators and involved in the crime? Where to begin? They lied about the ballistics. This same witness corroborated that Diane did not stop to do something suspicious or dispose of the gun. As I stated towards the beginning of my response, Im taking issue with the blog and the subjective language used. There is a court sketch artists rendering of him in this video. 6. On a side note, what do you think of parole of Leslie Van Houton? I mean if a guy admits to killing children over and over, shouldnt we pay attention to that? It opened a huge can of worms regarding the real identity of the heart full of lies in this case. You do not refute any of the points I made in the blogs. You mention that her attorney should have raised objections. But my beef is with the interference by the media, TV shows and Ann Rule. I base a lot on what I see and hear from her in her own words in footage of a 28 yr old woman. Ginsburg didn't think women should get to do what men did because she believed they would do the job better; she wanted equality for its own liberating sake. After giving birth to . But Diane was not the one dragging Knick out of Charlenes bed every morning intent on making or breaking his relationship with another woman. It is normally done (in fact in many jurisdictions, can ONLY be done) by going through the process in a different state or county then the one the applicant works with. What this is evidence of is one more piece of the overwhelming amount of bias that was involved from the start of the case. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention. The unreliability of childrens testimony has been documented by cognitive psychologists such as Elizabeth Loftus of the University of Cornell and others. After all, she was conditioned this way. My opinion of why Mr. Hugi adopted Christie and Danny was to seal their lips. Because she seemed "aloof". In hindsight Im sure the grandparents wish they had pursued visitation more aggressively. Danny downs did indeed say a man shot him he also blamed a cartoon character. That makes no sense. If, as Proctor said, it was exchanged right away, and the other Ruger was subsequently stolen by Steven, how was it remotely possible for him to have this info? I changed the sites email recently to They hated her attitude and thought she was promiscuous and showed no sorrow or remorse. (her family confirmed that she had a mood disorder, possibly bipolar 2), So when Dr. George Suckow from the Oregon State Hospital in Salem was called as a States rebuttal witness and he made a professional diagnosis of Diane as histrionics, antisocial and narcissistic, he openly said in court that he interviewed Diane for 1 hour and read evidence presented by the state to make his diagnosis.. I am not one sided. There was no blood on the front seats so Cheryl was laying down and Christie was asleep laying down and never witnessed anything. The photo of Hugi I used is the one you find when you do a search online for Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs. Is Diane really a threat anymore? Why on earth would anyone recommend leaving the kids with the grandparents? Crime is entertainment and big money so this case will continue to be on the forefront and the same assumptions will be repeated over and over again. In addition, the children were suffering life-changing physical and mental trauma, which would take years to heal. Ffs maybe u should go back to writing screenplays. For the children to be legally free for adoption a termination of parental rights had to occur. The fact that she was driving five miles per hour to the hospital says it all as a mother myself, I dont care how hurt or mentally damaged I was, I would drive that car 100 MPH to get my children to safety. In reply to Kit Mind you, it is before the trial. Im glad you continued to look for more information as time went on. We dont know. N u pleaded guilty of murdering ur husband. I tried to contact you by email but my email wouldnt acknowledge you email address. What I explain in the blog is that the fact that Foote is the one who removed the children from Dianes care is exactly why he should NOT have been presiding over her murder trial. The details about the gun missing, the daughters testimony and the fact that she had no blood or gun residues are facts. The very suspicious aspect of this ballistic saga is that Hugi said they had the bill of sale and serial number for the first Ruger and it was definitely the murder weapon. The roller coaster ride had nothing to do with Diane s children and Diane knew it. The strong, emotive language. I think that you are right about certain things not being ignored. And he was found not guilty because his defense team played the race card in an area of LA where they did not trust the police and discussed EDTA and DNA ad nauseam to confuse the jurors. They now throw people in prison in the US for debts. The case was so one sided that it is about time some of us bring up the other side. Even Ann Rule in her book, keeps mentioning that they only had a few months to get Christie to talk, otherwise they could not keep her away from her mother any longer. 4. How could they expect a normal mother/daughter reunion between a beaten inmate whose mental health had degraded and a daughter trapped in this insanity? After the trial that convicted Diane Downs, Fred Hugi, the Prosecutor adopted Christie and Danny (they were in foster care for 2 years before he decided to adopt them), the two surviving children. I mention in the blog that Dianes mental health is in question so it is obvious that her encounter with her long lost daughter was going to be difficult. The powers that be knew they had nothing on Diane so Christie became their sacrificial lamb: opinion, not fact Feb. 4, 2022 -- An analysis from a trio of economists says pandemic lockdowns during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic did little to reduce the number of COVID-related deaths. He had an attorney, Fred G. Campbell Jr., send us a letter denying our request and telling us: You are legally, as well as factually, a stranger to them. Who does he think he is? There are documented cases of suicides where the person has no GNR, as well as murder cases. Most doctors would tell you that it is normal for our brains to block out a traumatic incident especially when combined with a serious physical injury. She wrote to the governor several times after being dismissed coldly by Hugi and the system. They are set in stone and people refuse to see it any other way. What about the son saying that man and nurses noting that. I never read the Ann Rule book, but saw Small Sacrifices as a kid and have had an interest in this case ever since. There is only one major problem with your scenario. Diane wanted to wait for her daughter to feel better, be accompanied by an expert and have the meetings taped? Imagine the ones there for years. Diane was just 18 years old but determined to get married. And if he really was attached to them and wanted to offer them a permanent home, it means he was unfit to be the prosecutor in this case. Conflict of interest on steroids!! The tape is real and probably not admissible, but it seems to indicate that her testimony was coerced. I always welcome new information, evidence and opinions if they have a strong base and are not mean spirited, but I dont get the relevance of this comment to the case itself. They removed them and proceeded to interrogate the poor girl until she gave them what they needed. Diane was cooked the minute she walked in that courtroom. I did not shoot my children.. This coercion came to Dianes attention in January 1989 (Appendix 39). Page 41 of case history. A. I told Diane before, but I certainly didnt tell her to Let me tell you, it wasnt just the investigators and the prosecution that didnt believe herwe, Oregonians, (who ACTUALLY live here and watched what was happening) believe she is guilty. They are the ones who considered Dianes children as Small Sacrifices. The reason she is likely locked up is because she was diagnosed with narcissistic, histrionic and anti social personality disorder, that makes her a very dangerous person (especially since she is a murderer). I actually do not know what really happened. Yes, Christie said she did not know who did it. What followed was a tragedy subject to many interpretations. I would love to hear your answers to them. Will Cheryl ever be let out of her grave? Her family supported her. Was described as tumultuous, with Downs allegedly disappearing for long periods of with... She passed refute any of the gun missing, the title of the website clearly demonstrates inherit. Years old but determined to get married 2x and is up again in 2020 the... Childrens medications while in hospital should acknowledge where the blogger obtained information about Diane Downs, shouldnt we pay to... To see it any other way with herself than her kids points i in! 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