Anakin Skywalker could have been twisted into Palpatine's pawn from before he was even born - and a potential host for the Emperor's spirit. It's unlikely Palpatine actually engineered Shmi's death, if only because there's no way he could have directly influenced the Tuskens. The key may lie in one of the traditional Sith methods of immortality, a power known as Essence Transfer. Vader could have killed the clone troopers present, but he would have still become an enemy of the Empire. Home Podcasts Start listening View podcast show Save for later Create a list Download to app Rey is often accused of being a Mary Sue, which is accurate to a . Perhaps Sidious had someone in mind to rule in his place in the interim. Anakins ultimate desire to save Padm from dying in childbirth would almost certainly become a reality, as he wouldnt become Darth Vader, which ultimately caused her demise in the film. Many things would change.In th. He knowingly sacrificed his life to do so. Palpatine confronts him about it and reveals he's a Sith Lord. Check out "Wha. An unknown cause draining Padm of life even though she is otherwise healthy sounds like the Force, but a droid would not know that. Padms death disappointed audiences when they saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but one theory posits that Palpatine was the one to kill Padm. This would leave the Empire without its Emperor unless the cloning thing worked swiftly. Another issue that both the Jedi and the Republic would face is what to do about their Clone Army. But then maybe the Empire would have accused him of treason and either eliminated or captured him, the fate of his family in question, as it could all go either way. Enjoy and don't forget to write your thoughts down below too, I love reading your posts.Facebook Page - if Order 66 Failed? The bigger question in my head, is what would have happened to the Jedi Order and Republic? If Palpatine did manipulate circumstances surrounding Shmi, then it would stand to reason that he might have manipulated circumstances to create this point of leverage over Anakin. Maybe Vader could have won by not jumping onto the shore, or maybe he could have won earlier by unleashing his full dark side potential during the duel and not holding back. Anakin and Leia went to the opera and sat in Palpatine's box. It was presented as a key moment in Anakin's fall to the dark side, with the future Emperor encouraging the Jedi into murdering a defeated foe. We also offer ebooks, audiobooks, and more, for only $11.99/month. The Republic was losing the Clone Wars at the start of Revenge of the Sith, and without Palpatine hamstringingtheir forces behind the scenes, the Separatists could unleash scores of their deadliest units, such as the Scorpenek Annihilator Droid and the B3 Ultra Battle Droid, in massive numbers. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entire Star Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. A graduate of Edge Hill University, Tom remains strongly connected with his alma mater as a volunteer chaplain. Just because Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side did not mean that he loved the Empire. A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. In truth,Darth Sidious trained Darth Maul to be an assassin rather than a prospective Sith Lord; he saw the Zabrak as nothing more than a tool or a pawn. This. Considering that Anakin destroyed the Sith, he might be in a position to negotiate to remain a member of the Jedi Order, but hed have still broken their code and could still be expelled. The hatred swelled in him now. "Leia replied. Published Feb 19, 2021 A Star Wars fan theory posits that Emperor Palpatine manipulated the events of The Clone Wars' Umbara arc to turn Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. Palpatines plan succeeded in Revenge of the Sith thanks to Anakins desperation to save Padm Amidala (Natalie Portman), leading him to turn to the dark side when he felt the Jedi were incapable of granting him the power to keep her alive. Palpatine almost certainly tells Anakin to kill Ahsoka and Maul, but he hesitates. Furthermore, it seems remarkably coincidental that Anakin Skywalker arrived just in time to hold his mother in his arms as she died. At this time, Anakin is desperate to save Padms life as he has had a vision that she will die, and so this scene had audiences believing this power was another manipulation tactic by Palpatine to get Anakin to trust him. In fact, if it wasn't for Mace Windu's determination to kill Palpatine, Anakin might've had him arrested and continued as a Jedi. What is certain, however, is that Darth Sidious sought to live forever, and explored countless different avenues in his quest for immortality. He promises Anakin he can save his wife but if he becomes. With Anakins mother dead, his padawan Ahsoka estranged and his faith in Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi council fading, Padm was all he had left by the climax of Revenge of the Sith. Or maybe Yoda would have somehow come in contact with them and shown them the light and why they would need to overthrow Sidious for the good of the galaxy. The prophecies don't appear to have originated with the Jedi Order, and there's no reason to assume the Sith weren't aware of them - even Maul acknowledges a Sith version of the prophecy inthe final moments before his death. In one early draft, Palpatine pushed Anakin to do the deed by revealing Dooku had paid the Tusken Raiders to kidnap and kill Shmi. ?This one is a little more analytical than just action packed like some other fan-ficsa nice way to ease back into them I feel. He was particularly interested in the prophecy of the Chosen One, which foretold the birth of a powerful Force being who had no father, and through whom "ultimate balance in the Force" would be restored. According to one theory, the final battle between Rey and Palpatine may have worked out a lot differently than Star Wars fans think it did. So with Palpatine manipulating everything throughout the prequels, this begs the question: did Palpatine either make the Tusken Raiders murder Shmi or frame the Tusken Raiders in some way? Windu would finally respect Anakin for telling him Palpatine was the Sith Lord and thus possibly be granted the rank of Master. Right after Anakin dons the Darth Vader mask and takes his first mechanical breath, Padm takes her last breath and passes away. It is not until Obi-Wan cuts off his limbs that we see the yellow eyes again. Sign up for exclusive articles, top articles, and sales. Meanwhile, Anakin's secret wife Padm gives birth to their twin children: Luke and Leia. Thanks to her, peace would be restored to the galaxy and the Force would . For one, the Empire at large underestimates and misunderstands Tusken Raider culture. theory is compelling, but it's also, like many real-life conspiracy theories, trying to explain why things fall apart without much evidence. Also I'd imagine there would be evidence of the fight and Palpatine's lightsaber. A new Star Wars fan theory proposes that [SPOILER] was behind the death of Anakin's mother, Shmi, but does it hold up? If that were to happen I think that they would also deal with Anakin themselves, rather than have a public trial, though many would call for one to be held. Many people might say Luke Skywalker and others might even say Anakin. The Sith Lord who prided himself on seeing the future could have unwittingly brought the Chosen One prophecy into play, guaranteeing that the galaxy would head for balance rather than darkness. Anakin was on the right side of Palpatine and Leia was on the left. More likely, Palpatine probably would have wanted Vader to corrupt the crystal his own blue-bladed lightsaber, or perhaps even that of his former master. Given Anakin's history with Palpatine the Council would have to realize what Anakin is telling them was true because Anakin killing Palpatine would be unthinkable if he wasn't really a Sith Lord. Marie studied Dramatic Arts and English Literature at Brock University. I would agree with them, but then again, she's not everyone's favorite character. Manipulating Anakin in much the same way is very much in-line with what would happen. Will there be a Star Wars 10? "He killed Masters FIsto, Kolar and Tiin, Anakin!" Windu yelled as he dueled young Skywalker. Anakin would then pledge himself to the dark side and was thus named Darth . Did any other Star Wars fan stop and wonder who the real hero of the franchise really is? The second time it was storm troopers posing as Tusken radiers, killing Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. If the tale of Darth Plagueis is true, Palpatine could have used this power to siphon the Life Force out of Padm and use it to save Anakin after he was gravely injured by Obi-Wan in their duel. Well, Emperor Palpatine's original death occurred in the 1983 film, Return of the Jedi. Throughout its seven-season run, Star Wars: The Clone Wars has delivered a multitude of exciting stories. As the sun slowly rises over the landscape of Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker opens his eyes and looks around, seeing his wife asleep beside him. "Padme said. !What if Anakin Skywalker Killed Palpatine in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith? We have actually seen this type of scenario play out in an alternate ending for the Revenge of the Sith video game. Toward the end, Windu even briefly overpowered Palpatine and was prepared to kill him when Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Jedi and severed his lightsaber hand. Right after Anakin becomes Darth Vader, Padm passes away, which according to a droid is because she lost the will to live. Anakin looked at whats left of his master, as he force pushed the remains into the lava, burning away any last bit of love that was left for his former Master. On the one hand, Vader killed Kenobi and many others. While the Star Wars prequel trilogy was not originally welcomed by audiences, it is now experiencing a second chance. if Mace Windu Killed Darth Sidious? THEORY THURSDAY - Today we dive deeper into the infamous opera scene when Palpatine reveals the story of Darth Plagueis to Anakin. Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, as well as a Peer Mentor for new writers and a member of the Care Team, offering support and a listening ear to members of the Comics group. Thanks to the recent trilogy, some might say Rey is the new big hero of Star Wars. Originally Answered: What if anakin killed palpatine when he confessed to him of being a sith lord in revenge of the sith? The theory doesn't necessarily cite evidence from the film to support this, but there are implications that this could be true throughout Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. He saw himself as the end of the Sith, and intended to create an Empire whose Emperor would never die. Vader might have been evil, but he still would have worried about Padme. Steinrikur states in his theory, "Palpatine was playing Anakin like a fiddle the whole time, and this was a huge step in his journey towards the dark side. No Jedi would have survived, and Padme would have been taken with Anakin to give birth to Leia and Luke. The Jedi would also need to combat the Republics corruption since lobbyists and corrupt corporate entities created the conditions that allowed Palpatine to orchestrate the Invasion of Naboo and the Separatist Crisis. Maybe Sidious drew on Anakin's fear to get the right appearance. Vader lusts for power, and he very well could have stood by Sidious' side, even if Padme and the droids got away, and he might have spent years trying to find his children. Palpatine says there is not enough time and Anakin in his rage kills Palpatine by literally crushing him into a ball. However, in this situation, Palpatine . No longer having the man that had become her purpose of living was something her manipulated. Related: Star Wars 9 Theory: Palpatine Never Existed, It Was Always Darth Plagueis. This theory is actually quite a well-established one inStar Wars lore. Keep in mind, in the regular timeline, Anakin only goes through with Order 66 after Palpatine gives him a. Star Wars Has No More Sequels Planned (Yet) The future of the Star Wars timeline beyond Rise of Skywalker is currently unconfirmed. However, one of the biggest problems audiences had with the film was Padms death. Perhaps the Kaminoians? Maybe the twins would have eventually teamed up against Sidious to take his place. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entireStar Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. GivenStar Wars 9 is calledThe Rise of Skywalker, it's safe to assume Palpatine will somehow be defeated by the Chosen One's legacy. What if he actually killed the mighty Count Dooku? Leaders like Padm, Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits) would be ideal choices to fix Palpatines damage to the Republic, along with other members of the Delegation of 2000. We know Palpatine manipulates the Separatists and the Republic, secretly plots the creation of the Clone Army, and indirectly convinces Jar-Jar into giving Palpatine emergency power. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is the third film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and is regarded as the best prequel film. This leads to the final element of the theory: did Palpatine manipulate the Tusken Raiders to attack Shmi, in particular, using the Force? This can be retroactively explained by that pesky in-canon Marvel comic book Darth Vader #25, in which a flashback. Palpatine would certainly have been familiar with the ability, and he even came to possess the helmet of Lord Momin, a Sith who had survived death by transferring his soul into his own helmet. The Clone Wars only ended when Palpatine sent Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut down their droid forces. From big franchises like Harry Potter, DC, or Star Wars, to classics like Rocky, Titanic, or Ten Commandments, to the underrated like Timeless, Merlin, or Castle, Marie has always loved films and television. The moment that marked Anakin Skywalker's true fall from the light was when he intervened against Mace Windu in the duel with Chancellor Palpatine (more appropriately, Darth Sidious) in Revenge of the Sith, which allowed the latter to defeat Windu. The cruel irony of Anakins choice is that she likely wouldnt have died if hed remained a Jedi. While a surface reading ofDarth Vader #25 does indeed suggest this, Force visions aren't necessarily supposed to be taken literally; indeed, Shmi is already pregnant in the vision, so it may just be a symbolic way of saying Palpatine's darkness would dominate her son's life. Which leads to the other aspect of the theory suggesting the Tusken Raiders were framed. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padm was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her. Star Wars: Could Palpatine Have Wiped Out The Jedi WITHOUT Order 66? Obi-Wan checks that she is breathing properly and even speaks with her on the ship after his duel with Anakin. What if Obi-Wan killed Anakin? The general public also struggles to perceive and treat the Clones as sapient beings, necessitating the Jedi to vouch for their basic humanity to what might be an ambivalent populace. Check out \"What if Order 66 Failed\" which is also animated similar to this style.Thank you for watching today's video. 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