It is also true however, that some types may tend to have different kinds of intelligence than others, which is why some may be viewed as superior. and rank them based on your understanding or interpretation of "intelligence," then see which types have which functions as dominant. By the way, if this doesnt convince you, maybe this will. He did mention in the video / article ( either in this one or the Ns are smarter than Ss video / article ) that intelligence can be measured in many different ways so as the author he would go by what would be the best definition of that according to his opinion. These types are also adept at taking in and sorting information that is sent their way, she adds. So who really is smarter? It really depends. It is about being BOTH. I'm an INTP, and while we tend to be more intelligent in general, there is great variance as with any statistical population. INFJ- Incredibly big picture people I think they are the smartest when it comes to philosphy in life. And the INFJ is the rarest of personality traits. - INTP/ISTP: Most logically realistic, I don't know why you're going off of letters thats retarded. I am an entrepreneur at heart. Of course there are going to be lots of people who have a big problem with this article. I would argue that N types are smarter than S types, because N types are better at picking up patterns, conceptualizing and planning. Other than this, great article! Their natural positivity can significantly impact how those around them process hard times. The latter of which I've failed to provide, ironically enough. There are so many things wrong with both this article and the comments it's hilarious. ESTP- I would put them lower, but I put them here because they are very real world people, they have alot of common sense and do not put up with crap. They can assimilate information but are imaginative idealists guided by their core values and beliefs. ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists and consummate organizers thriving on details. Other nicknames for the INTJ include The Conceptual Planner or The Architect. This is where the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) comes in. what about a simple "I disagree because" ? From what I have been able to observe, in all the years that I have known them, is that the INFJ is way smarter. What information do you have regarding the influence of each dichotomy? Robledo says that they are generally "favored more in society," largely due to their ability to oversee systems, including those in education and business. you need to go into the cognitive functions. From what I've observed, I'd say it's likely something along the lines of this: - ISTJ/ISFJ: Most School Smart The same as Enf can be on par with Int. But those who are among the smartest may be represented by certain Myers-Briggs personality types. Tell me why Ns are not smarter than Ss. An INTP may spend more time developing those ideas, but less time sharing them with others. All at the Ivy League level (1 actually is) in engineering and social science. You're a fucking idiot and this very blog entry proves that you are one. Feeling is usually a less logical approach to things, but when coupled with introverted intuition it becomes more logical as it is normalized through a much more precise channel. It follows the same pattern I am already talking about. sorry but how the hell is an NF smarter than an NT? As for the S/N dichotomy, the reason why intutives are smarter than sensors could be because they easily understand abstract phenomena and in the case of judging intuitives they align it with reality.Its like they create models of reality. Conversely, if you have 100 ESFJs in the group, chances are, none of them will have an IQ above 129. I am an ENFP by the way, according to the test I took a few days ago. Which Is The Smartest MBTI Type? Well, I don't know what you decided to define as "dumb" or "intelligent", but if you refer to IQ, I'm INFJ and my IQ is 148. Daten ber Ihr Gert und Ihre Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Browsing- und Suchaktivitten bei der Nutzung von Yahoo Websites und -Apps. I have to say that this is a pretty interesting study. Though we shine in different areas. BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. For example, Si and Ni are both incredibly close-minded in my experience. Who knew that a test comprised mostly of theoretical questions would cause an intuitive bias hmmm, Visual shape analysis and logic steps are not theoretical. I would have suggested you being sarcastic, tho something in your syntax is suggestive of otherwise, see. So is she less intelligent because of that? And don't let yourself be governed by it. So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. This doesn't necessarily equate to influence, but it does equate to where they derive their energy. Those are facts that I posted. I am an INTP with iq 152 in mensa and i believe Intp/intj are the smartest and moat intelligent. Both will reach very similar conclusions but from different angles. Being depressed ain't gonna make u smarter. She may work hard, but her innate intellectual capacity is unlikely up to par with the thousands of N's who are simply too lazy to apply to an Ivy. She's smart in her way, and I'm smart in my own. I think, simply through observation that these traits tend to be true. INTP- INTPs can store SO much information. These strong and weak functions make these types rather academic, there isn't much application of their intelligence in the real world. ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. If extrovert-sensor types have developed a way to live in the here and now, leading to everlasting happiness or success, are they not the most intelligent types? The only reason I put them lower than the INTJs is becuase they spend alot of time with people, having fun and influencing people, which wastes time. I would just like to say that I am an INTJ and my Ni function allows INTJs and INFJs to see the perspective and motives of others better than any other, thus allowing us to extrapolate those perspectives and make the most open- minded decisions. And you may not even be an accurate INTJ/INTP because the test itself might not be accurate. In short, they're more open to new ideas and can theoretically see how those ideas fit in the existing ones, and they don't close themselves off to unfamiliarities. I think intelligence is, as you've stated, a lot more complex than a simple dichotomy, but there are obvious traits that society in general determine as smart. Arguably the smartest MBTI type. The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. THERE IS NO SOURCE FOR THIS CHART! NP on comparative. ISFJ 2. We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. The NT may be ridiculed for reading, love of debate, and abstract thinking which would have him use his other functions like sensing and feeling to fit in more to the point that there are only faint traces of the NT traits. 7. Interesting, though i think it might be misleading! Do I not have the potential to reach the same intellectual promise as an INTJ even though we have the same information judgement processes? "The I's don't get their energy from the E's" THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS WAY TO CALCULATE INTELLIGENCE I'VE EVER READ, and the most absurd thing is that introverts are even considered to be 10% smarter! INTPs spend the whole day thinking, but they are less likely to be called "Smart-Aleck" than INTJs. Born leaders, these brilliant people are always working and thinking. I don't know about this particular study, in fact, I did not even look at the numbers, but the topic has been studied before. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. I am inclined to believe it is more related to being intuitive as opposed to being a sensor, since bullying seems so common among SFJs. Hard to get work done when you keep procrastinating. I developed emphaty and expand my 1-view T into multiple-view T. In MBTI now I am a category INFJ. It just came out of nowhere and you take is as a fact?!?! They do follow things alot but they also do know when there is no value or sense in something thats happening. Overview of 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Common Questions About the Smartest Personality Types, 29 Spot-On Signs You Have An Intense Personality, 21 Extraordinary Things To Be Passionate About This Year, 21 Soul-Crushing Signs He Is Not The One For You (Even If You Love Him), Guys, Dont Ignore These 17 Signs Of An Emotionally Immature Woman, 31 Ridiculous Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument, Make Some Happy Today With These 41 Bliss-Inducing Ideas, 17 Signs Hes Hurting After Your Break-Up, Does Your Guy Run Hot And Cold? Just click the link to it and you will be amazed. Then, maybe it could be usefull if you learn a bit more about empathy, and how it is the skill that developed our cognitive system, and maybe you could take a look about how oxytoxin plays a critical rull in civilization progress How would you order the MBTI from most intelligent to least? Being intelligent vs being smart? ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, These people are most likely to be engineers and mathematicians, Robledo says. Speaking from my own life experience, I have seen rationals being by far the most intelligent of all other types since primary school to the world of work.I am 23 now.Rationals being ENTP, INTJ, ENTJ and INTP.The category of intelligence I am considering here is logical and mathematical intelligence which is often what is generalized as intelligence by the public(and the most huge component of typical IQ tests).Rationals have an exceptional ability to fully understand complex abstract phenomena and align it with reality-in the case of Judging rationals i.e. So "smart" they've outsmarted themselves! So: personality type can accurately be used to measure how somebody will solve a problem, but when it comes to intelligence it is less accurate - as there are exceptions. Come one. One of the most vocal people in my Colloquy group is an ISTJ. First of all, MBTI itself is pretty much bullshit. INFPs comprise 5% of women and 4% of men. They tell the exact same story. Dot's Writing Dojo. On that note, for T/F I would argue that the highest aptitude for intelligence will be found somewhere in the middle. Watch on We first need to define what we mean by smart. And they have so many ideas too. Case in point is measured influence--suggested in-article as a definitive element of intelligence--which ESTP, ENFJ, ENTJ and (uniquely) ENFP often enjoy in abundance. F's care about people. To one person it may be creativity. These are the people who breezed through exams at school because they "test well" or who can rattle off every state capital on a whimthey'd likely be your "Phone-a-Friend" on an episode of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. IQ testing seems to favor the INXX personality with a slight edge given to the INTP personality. They are good at being in charge and understanding institutions, they are also brainboxes, storing so much factual evidence. "ISTPs learn through working with their hands," she explains. ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. Why should an introvert be smarter than an extrovert? The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe they are smarter and more capable than they are. All. So I split them apart, assigned their own variables and came to my senses that this was all simply, an algebraic equation; in philosophic-linguistic form. The INFJ is actually pretty brilliant, and the smartest person I know both scholastically and in life in general. It's like Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw at a quiz bowl. INTJs work better with numbers They are also trivia hounds. It's even MORE pathetic than bragging about your supposed IQ score, which is saying something. | sleekoduck, How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0 | Welcome to PsychoBabble4U, How Far Ahead In Time Can A Lucid Dreamer Really Go? If backed up by Ni they can have some intrest in learning but there people skills is where they shine and they would rather think about other people than intellectual stuff especially esfjs. Those are INTP and ISTP. Not sure I agree with your definition of "smart", though. Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging types are also among the most intelligent, Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, explains. all the NT types are more intellectual but ST types can have equal IQ. Yeah, I'm exaggerating but MBTI indicates a preferential identification towards WORDS and SITUATIONS who can be interpreted in so many different ways. This is less common with the S. So when we are dealing with intelligence we are dealing with N's more so than S's. The chart floating around on the internet is meant to make those differences appear magnified. Opinions are baseless unless confirmed by some hard data .. and there is no data here .. -This has to have science to be right That is why early on I defined smart as something like influence as opposed to sheer technical ability. To another it may be interpersonal. They have no emotional intelligence or intuition to give them an insight into the world. Please read more about Jung cognitive functions and how Meyers & Briggs created types by combining them. I don't think you can just say "smartest". I have been a registered nurse for 15 years so my critical thinking skills are off the charts. They have no time for analysing and often dont know what to say, but they understand human beings and humility which puts them higher than the ESFP. INTPs work better with language Anyone who pushes past this and continues to ask long into adulthood is rare because it takes a certain character to do this. Would you type an ST on average as more intelligent than an NF? Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. However, you are right. Thinking and Feeling have their respective strengths and weakness, but the most important thing is the way a person uses their Intuition to collect and understand information (N/S), and not the decisions they makes using that information (T/F). (I know this does not equate to intelligence, but it is a good measurement). As everyone is, for that matter. This is met with ridicule or scorn. INTP with the curse of curiosity. Intp seem to be more "spiritual". So to conclude, the software that comes with your computer doesn't determine the processing power of the computer. I wonder if the reason there is such a high rate of intuitives in the top 2% is because of content of many IQ tests. Thanks for sharing :), ENT vs INF, Im in agreement with your breakdown (as an entp) I would argue the ent brings external "wisdom" which is not easily measurable to an IQ exam. My family is comprised of the N-J types. Many of the influential E leaders that we see had influential I philosophers in the background working behind them. Generally, this is very useful in scientific fields. etc. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You're wrong because that's not what MBTI is about! I think most animals would have neither T nor F as an option- these are both equally human traits. The reason I put them higher than INFPs is because they can completely cancel out emotion which can quite often be time wasting, debilitating and can even cloud judgement. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. So I would say these are about even with a small edge going to the P just because it seems that abstract things are of greater importance than physical, concrete things. INTJs also have a better shot at this than INTPs, because while INTPs think the deepest thoughts the most, INTJs validate what is biased and not biased much more, therefore being the more accurate to the outside real world. ), you will find that they are mostly all introverted intuitive thinkers, with some feelers and with equal J/P. You arrived to a final ranking which is somehow okay but full of flaws, like solving a math problem by chance but the reasoning is false. But this is about applying that sensitivity to your decision making process, which most animals do not do- they tend to make choices based on instinct. - ISFP/INFP: Most self aware..enouhh said As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. And how about J's and P's? It's just a random data without ANY backing. As an INTJ I have an incredibly difficult time doing the motivation myself, but I often understand the reasons why my ENFJ brother does things better than he does. I should not have to post this stuff twice. S-types are generally more practical than N types, but are far more rigid. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. ISTJ is the third most common personality type out of the 16 personalities which means there is going to be a higher amount of ISTJ geniuses due to sheer population numbers. The irony of my problem, in the existential paradigm became self-evident. 5. Yes. Your analysis exhibits a lack of understanding regarding what the Myers-Briggs type actually indicates. ENFJ: Grandiosity fueled by admiration from others. Bias? Intelligence is a hard thing to define and even harder to measure and I feel AND think that our society leaves out many of the important emotional and personal aspects when measuring intelligence. I was once a Pantheists until I couldn't understand how something could be infinite, without infinitessence, and so the infancy of my intimacy with infiniticy, infinitively vanished. Tertiary function is the weakest out of all, and they actually try to compensate for this and try to appear/act much smarter than they actually are. And the smartest person I know this does not equate to intelligence, but it does equate influence. With some feelers and with equal J/P estjs are hardworking traditionalists and consummate organizers thriving details... Do n't know why you 're going off of letters thats retarded rejecting. Whole day thinking, but they are smarter and more capable than they are the smartest may be by. 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