In other words, could the report have been filed by the state police instead of the municipal police department? Please feel free to use the Enjuris law firm directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. I need some recommendation She wants a high amount without going to the shop. If I had a police report I could at least see what vehicle they are saying that this happened with but it doesnt even have a police report anywhere on the document. Call 713-987-7111 to speak with a Sutliff & Stout accident lawyer today. Im so sorry that happened and Im glad youre uninjured. I said well lets call my insurance first and see what they will be able to do about that and go from there. Its certainly understandable why youre so angered by the situation. The accident happened in NC. My brother was on the passenger side also. Its important to remember that youre not alone and there are people who can help you with your claim. I know it wasnt the right thing to do but i floored the gas peddle , a high speed race on the Hwy for about a mile and half until (we) my other 2 passangers were close enough to get the tag number. One important thing to remember is that your insurance company isnt necessarily your ally. I did not file a report, I was too focused on getting the drivers license plate and driver description. This is not how I planned my day, or my life, and I would be financially ruined if he were to somehow have taken a picture of my license without me looking and filed some kind of report or take action later down the road. She agreed to pay me cash, after I gave her the quote via text she told me to run it through the insurance company and gave me the info. By nothing happened to my car other then the license plate was knocked up. I notified my insurance company the next morning just to give them an FYI in case anybody files a claim. A pick up truck that was behind him decided he didnt want to wait to try to get to his turn 1/2 mile up so he proceeded to try to squeeze up along the left hand side of my husband where there was no legal lane and he got himself pinned. There was no damage to other persons car. It was in a residential area and the cop didnt have any lights on. Contact your local police station and tell them you want to file a public records request for the police report. We had just gotten the car when one of the tires popped and I had to get it fixed. I would figure since she told both my kids that the damages were already there I shouldnt have to pay for them. She said the hood flew off his car and he just kept driving, She also said the hood was found a quarter mile away. Over 2 years ago, my husband was in a minor accident (i.e. She left before the trooper arrived. His hitch did more damage to my jeep, I bent his back bumper barley. As for the police officer, your family member can certainly sue for damages. helpppp. There are a few things to think about, here: First, you should never be driving without insurance. Two years later I am now being sued for an accident that I did not cause by the guys insurance company and it is the first time I am hearing about this whole incident. He didnt mention having seen a doctor at this point, said he was ok, said paint is expensive for the car and I thanked him for his kindness. Keep in mind, however, that so long as the insurance company provides notice, they can raise your premiums for almost any reason. The Delhi Police ruled out sexual assault in the case of a 20-year-old woman who died after her scooty was hit by a car and her body was dragged for kilometres in the Sultanpuri area of outer Delhi on Sunday. We may also discover that the accident was caught on video or find an eyewitness who saw the accident happen. Please help. Hello, I was in an accident in July 2020. Please please help. Does the person's version of events seem plausible. Do I have anything to worry about legally? However, hiring an attorney can be expensive, and you should keep this in mind particularly if your insurance company is willing to cover most of the damages. I was concerned my insurance would go up and not knowing how I was gonna get home. The SUV had NO dents or scratches. Apparently he also called my insurance and reported it and said he felt I was at fault and swung my car door into his car. On a related note, its important to take photographs of both vehicles after an accident so that the other driver cant claim you caused damages that you didnt actually cause. A whopping 4.8 million of these accidents, or about 72% of them, were categorized as property damage, meaning there were no injuries or fatalities. The driver did get my license plate as I drove away and reported it to the police. However, the fact that he turned down your information will help support your argument that he didnt incur any damages. I left my contact and the guy text me and told me that the damages are minor and not to worry about it. Now I have texted about three times and no response. Identifying information about parties involved may . The $1,000 will simply be deducted from the total amount of damage. In most cases, nothing will come of it, especially if there were no reported injuries. This is why its always best to take pictures of the damage and have a police report made if possible. I have sonce then been having night mares as well as aches I could see the driverc car about 50ft from where the officer and I were standing. They even are getting people that where not involved in the accident by goin to their job. How bad will this affect my driving record? There was a damage to the car but no personal injury. The other car parked behind my cousins car in a no parking zone and now they are wanting 1000 to fix the small dent and are calling every hour for the money. They looked for the woman and couldnt find her or anyone who howd seen the accident. The DMV may be able to locate the insurance information. I am in a no fault state NJ. I was trying to make a right turn on the green light and turned slowly, then heard a loud sound and saw a cyclist at the place between the front of car and the passenger door (position around 1/3 of car). my husband thank god was not hurt but he was shaking up pretty badly. They have it prepared like it will help them and that is all that matters to them. Im not completely clear on what happened, here. What do I need to do? and is that irreversible if so? Minimal damage to his car and none to mine. The only damage to the other car was surface paint removed. You did not flee the scene.. Your lawyer will be familiar with the system, know how to acquire documents, and can also negotiate with the insurance company. If the other driver does threaten to sue you or claim damages, and if you dont think there was any physical damage to the car, I would recommend that you consult with a NY personal injury lawyer for guidance. Fortunately, the first consultation is often free in these cases, so you wont have to worry about cost. You dont want to ignore it, but a lawyer can tell you how to proceed to dismiss the lawsuit if the statute of limitations has passed. Each state has a statute of limitations for a car accident, which is a deadline by which a lawsuit must be filed. do you have any insight for me on what to do next or what are my chances in this matter. Now, I dont know what to do next, the only information I have about the at-fault driver is his license plate and vehicle information (which his registration expired in 2018). She agreed to not call the police if I paid for the dent on her door. I suspect that she has the right to ask for a report from the plaintiffs mechanic, proving the cost of repairs, then use that in comparison to the police report in case of any inconsistencies. I was in a car crash last december and just received court papers that im being sued. Nevertheless, you can hire an attorney to investigate fault. His car hit the car in front of us but was major damage. However, if she does, the court will ask her why she didnt file a report or an insurance claim when the accident first happened. If it is not a valid address, can we still sue her in the court? My only hope is it was at near the grocery store and if there were cameras that recorded the incident. It definitely seems like you should contact a lawyer, though. I know its hard in the moment, when youre shocked and maybe afraid, and most peoples instinct is to take responsibility, but that can affect your legal options later. The police was called at the time of the accident and both my daughter and the plaintiffs filled out a report which the officer kept in his possession. You should call the contractor/company that owns the vehicle, explain the situation, and provide details (location, date, time, etc.) I was in a fender bender outside a bait and tackle shops parking lot in Florida. As a result, litigation may not be prudent. I am think about suing her in small claim court since her insurance dont pay the loss. Furthermore, the police are only required to forward a report to the director of public safety when there is a death, injury, or more than $1,000 in property damage. I would recommend contacting an attorney before your hearing in April so that you can get proper representation. He never filled a police report and we really dont have any evidence that this is what happened. Five Los Angeles County sheriff's recruits were critically injured Wednesday morning when a man driving a Honda CRV plowed into a large group during a training . Im sorry that happened. He told me :they said to park at the Panera I follow him then all of a sudden he disappeared on me because he was driving fast ,I came to that place he wasnt there and I said May b he meant the other Panera so I went there and waited no police came so I went home but I still report after I went home . Unless your husband was driving a Hummer H1 there is no way he could wreck another car that badly without totaling his own car. Ask for Legal Help. The next step is to get a medical examination as soon as possible. When youre injured in an accident, your injuries could possibly put you in the hospital and require surgeries, tests, and medication for your recovery. When he came to my house on Saturday there was more damage than there was from the wreck. I had to leave because I was gonna be late to work but once I got to work I wrote them a letter with my number on it and went back outside to place it on their windshield. You hear all kinds of excuses but no action only words, peoples minds are not trained or they do not have enough understanding to know, to solve a problem, it is all excuses for something. Nonreportable Car Accident. A personal injury attorney can analyze the details of your case and tell you the best route forward. If you live in a traditional fault state and you are embroiled in a "he said, she said" claim, it's particularly important to talk to a lawyer because you'll have to prove fault before you can get compensation. In the absence of a police report in which an officer assigns fault to one party or a video that documents how the wreck took place, these cases can become extremely difficult. What do you think? If a hit and run has occurred. I will have to pay out of pocket for physio and massage therapy. Now she said she is going to take final steps since i didnt complete the agreement even though we never filed a claim or signed anything to prove anything although i do have videos of me paying her. He told us that this guy hasnt got a leg to stand on. Should I reach out to the driver and offer to pay the deductible? You also might wish to consult an attorney. Its too late for anything at this point as we are both home at this time. I would recommend reaching out to an attorney in your area. The taxi had a passenger that fled the scene . Any advice? Sorry this happened to you. (The dent on HER car) SHE SAID SHE WAS SO SORRY and that its OKAY so I just left no complaints. I question how is the police aid, who was not there, does not have the training to reconstruct an accident, is able to change my sons statement? Fast forward two hours, the police are call my husband, who is in another state working, because my vehicle is in his name, they tell him it was a hit and run and that the other driver has extensive front damage and tell him to have me call them. Walk down the street in the direction the defendant came from and take pictures of the intersection, the traffic signs, and any skid marks in the street. I was willing to work with this man and make payments to himwhich he was agreeable to in the beginning. When he told her that his brother hit her car, he said hed give her his brothers number and she can handle it. To get a copy of the police report, you'll need: The service number from the investigating officer; The accident location; The accident date and approximate time; Your identification; Traffic Accidents Without Police Reports I am in a lot of pain and dont know what to do since I didnt get the drivers information or file a police report or go to the hospital. She slammed the brakes because she was speeding ame merged and cut into my stopping zone. It appeared the Honda had previous damage to the left bumper/headlight as it had white tape holding it. We will return to the scene of the accident and see if theres any evidence we can find. The other driver declined and said their vehicle was fine. And report a police report for the accident? $30,000 for injuries to two (2) or more persons in one (1) accident. While I was talking to them the woman left. Though a police report is often helpful, you dont need a police report to sue someone. Was in a miner fender bender in Illinois where the vehicle began to move forward at a stop light and hit his brakes I did make contact but the majority of the damage was to my car being a small compact and his Lexus suv, not sure of the year had scratches on the bumper I put on hazards and asked him if we could pull ahead as to not congest traffic, that Id prefer to attempt to resolve financially on our own, preferring to not be ticketed as I was the one unable to stop although I dont consider myself completely at fault! If any of the following situations apply, the drivers must remain at the accident scene and report the crash to the police . And how is it the driver behind never slammed on their breaks? I got a police report, a well known law firm took the case but after about 2 weeks they drop it stating the guy had an alibi, saying he was home with his wife and she agreed. This is only necessary in Missouri, as all car accidents in Kansas are considered emergencies and police reports are not allowed to be filed online. Hello while I was I was at a stop sign I bump into a guy we stopped I said sorry . What can I do? Now this passenger that is not even in the police report, got his attorney to file a claim to my car insurance. I was like did that really happen to his car? He even agrees to pay you out of his pocket for the damages to your car. acident more then a mounth I was stop on red light after green light come I look every where no body turn very slow. And if they come back to call them and they will come. The fact that you didnt file a police report is unlikely to harm your case (especially since you called 911). I have the same issue right now, its a minor rear accident but the estimate cost more then the person that can able to pay the damage . From the testimony of the drivers and witnesses, the physical evidence at the scene of the accident, the officer's experience in investigating accidents, and any special training that the officer has, he or she will prepare a report that details how the accident happened. In case its helpful, this article outlines cases when you DONT need a lawyer: When Do You Not Need An Attorney After An Accident? He can have his insurance company pay for the damage, but his insurance company can then seek reimbursement from you if they deem you at fault. She gave me her phone number, and I immoderately report it to my insurance. I dont know what to do since the police report is key in this accident, the other driver was at fault and now im without a car. If you choose the latter option, be sure to let your insurance company know about the texts and pictures. We went back to our car, thinking we would leave and proceed our way. Only the DMV in your state can revoke your license a private person or company cant do that. even after the cop left I asked her again if they were both ok and she said yes. Just like paying for gas, paying for insurance should be considered a cost of having or driving a car. There was definitely no cracks or dents, etc. My niece got up the next day and went to work at a local hospital from 3pm-11pm and since she parks with the front of her car facing her house, she didnt see it and when shes done working its dark out so she never noticed until next day. This seems fishy and weird doesnt it? And please, if all your want to do is criticize, keep your thoughts to yourself until you are in a similar situation. The statements provided to a law enforcement official should be clear and concise. Mind you, our accident was at 2:45pm and we were speaking at 7pm, our initial conversation following the accident at 6pm! And I had just gotten my license a few days before. Pm. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, and the other party blatantly lies about fault or even misrepresents facts on the police report, you are not out of options. Your lawyer can handle all communications with the insurance company on your behalf, and theyll work to minimize your daughters liability, the amount settled with the other party, and to recover any damages you might be owed. In addition to providing valuable information and legal advice, our auto accident attorneys can help protect your rights and prevent your statements to the police and insurance companies from being used against you. At this point, my suggestion would be to hang tight and see if they contact you or make a claim with your insurance company. So the next day he shows up and demands $75. The police came after about an hour. We cannot let this happen. They want to pay the minimum amount possible, whether its to you or to another party. Hello, I had a car accident on february 2019 , the police report shows no one is AT-fault.But my insurence put me as an At FAULT. I dont want to be sued if the insurance does not pay out. In addition, I would continue to call the police if he shows up at your house. I was recently involved in a merging accident that was my fault. However, all lawsuits need to be taken seriously. In summary, it doesnt sound like she has much of a case. Major scam artist. I was in a minor traffic accident.police was not contacted theres no police report..and me and the other driver are not going to sue each other..can an insurance company hold that against me. 1. I was involved in a hit-and-run. If the offending driver hasnt fled the scene, a report sometimes isnt necessary (if a driver has been injured, however, a report is required). Thanks for sharing, Becca. However, your car accident lawyer will do everything possible to prove that you weren't at fault. According to O.C.G.A. Of course, filing a lawsuit and proving that youre responsible for her injuries are two different things. Just grabbong your information, but doubt I will do anything ere her last words.Mind you, no damage was done to her car from my end. The woman stopped the car and I verbally expressed that she hit my car and that I wanted to exchange information. So, I called Primary officer back after 6. i got into a minor fender bender with a person who did not want the cops called at the scene. Most initial consultations with attorneys are free. On the way to the tire shop someone stopped very quickly in front of me and I slammed on the brakes but the car didnt stop. Im thinking we need to get our own lawyer but have no money to do that. There's an easy way for insurers to resolve this issue when they don't agree. P.m., apologized for not calling back and explained the reason I did not. They feel the need to be different when you are already different. One of the workers there informed me that the at-fault driver would have bought the pieces and brought it to them to have my car fixed, but they had not heard from him. Even if the at-fault driver of a car accident denies . Is it possible that we can still win this case without the police report. At the very least, you want a bill/estimate from a repair shop before paying the cost of repairs. Call our team today at(412) 661-1400 for your free case review. The driver of the other car according to my insurance company did not have insurance at the time of accident. 2. Police said the autopsy found "no injury suggestive of sexual assault". Be sure to keep the information for the witness somewhere safe in case the supermarket denies your version of events. We were moving at a crawl anyway as the light was just starting to turn green. Hello, Jennifer. Hi, Javier. Some car accident injuries might not be noticeable immediately but the injured person could experience symptoms days or even weeks later. It sounds like your boyfriend was at-fault for the accident and therefore the innocent party certainly has a right to sue for damages. What could I do if I dont want to accept that offer. If they refuse to do so, be sure to mention to the judge that you politely requested that the party get a second opinion (bring the letter and proof of delivery with you). I wasnt sure if the damage was gonna be huge because it just seemed like thered be a couple of scratches. However, recently we found out that the other party involved in the accident are suing her for damage costs which we believe to be way too high considering the extent to which their vehicle was damaged (which was very minimal). I am sorry that happened to your husband, and Im glad to hear that he was uninjured. Well, she didnt move and I tapped her car. 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